Jun 13, 20192 min read
Cadillacs & Flying Cadillacs
May 29th 2019 and the German section of the Cadillac Owners Club was having their annual meeting and tour. Fifty-five spectacular...

Apr 16, 20193 min read
Goodwood Members Meeting - Dave's 60th....
So, start of the Goodwood year with the 77th Members Meeting and an opportunity to invite Dave Cresswell as part of his ongoing 60th...

Mar 28, 20191 min read
March 2019 - Spring is here!
Happy to say that spring and some warm sunshine have put in an appearance so busy times back at the Bulldog Motor Collection. The barn...

Oct 20, 20181 min read
Good steel at Goodwood
6am start: Chuck on some tweed, walk the dog, quick coffee; time to fire up the Bentley! In great comfort and style, the R Type took us...

Jun 3, 20181 min read
Oldtimers in the sky
Bulldog Motor Collection teamed up, once again, with Aero Club Nastätten in 2018, this time for the the Slingsby Rally and Vintage Meet....

Dec 15, 20173 min read
BMC's first bid
Back in November, two auction catalogues caught our attention. First up was Historics at Brooklands' on Saturday the 25th November. As...