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Oldtimers in the sky

Bulldog Motor Collection teamed up, once again, with Aero Club Nastätten in 2018, this time for the the Slingsby Rally and Vintage Meet.

Enthusiasts from far and wide visited to celebrate all things old, so we thought it a prime moment to break open the barn doors and bring out a collection of goodies.

A great couple of days were had with the sun shining and the cars were enjoyed by all. We were even invited into the sky in the famous Slingsby T21.

The iconic Slingsby T21 was used by the RAF as a 2 seater training aircraft. First flying in 1944 and remaining in service until the mid 1980s, the 50ft wingspan craft is constructed of just wood and fabric... We'll stick to cars, I think.

Thanks to Marcus Diehl and the team at Nastätten Aero Club

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